What is the distinction that makes a difference between goods and services?

Difference between goods and services


Goods and services play important roles in the growth of the business economy, both are commonly pronounced in the same terms, but there is a difference between goods and services. Generally, it provides by the companies to the customers as per their demand and utility satisfaction purposes. These days, we can say that providing the best goods and satisfactory services to customers is the foundation of the success of every business. In this article, we address the difference between goods and services. Please stay tuned and read below;

What are goods?

Goods are physical objects that can be visibly felt, touched, and viewed. According to Wikipedia, in economics, goods are such kinds of items that can satisfy human needs as per their desires.

Goods can be categorized into some different parts that are given below;

  • Economics goods

Economic goods that satisfied the human need as per their desire. In other words, goods are such products that are purchased by a consumer to satisfy his needs. For example, a consumer can own and use a television, mobile phone, furniture, etc.

  • Free goods

These types of goods, such as Air, are naturally provided by nature, and there is no need for much effort for consumption.

  • Final goods

Final goods are also called consumer goods. Such kinds of goods are generally final used by consumers. It is produced and completed by using another good. A bicycle, car, and air conditioner are some best examples of final goods.  

  • Commercial goods

commercial goods are used for making tangible items. These types of goods are used by manufacturers and commercial industries to make a final good for consumers.

What are services?

Services are covered under the intangible economics product. These types of services are provided by one person to another person as per his demand. Services is a kind of activity which can be carried out for others. It falls in perishable nature and is delivered for particular purposes. Services can provide by service providers even if they are not directly related to manufacturing organizations.

It is a crucial part of increasing a sale. A consumer is never willing to buy a product from a seller who does not provide a future service related to a product. Basically, services cannot be produced like tangible items. It depends on performing as per a consumer requirement.

There are different charges that can be charged by different service providers for the same services, which can vary according to their service style or methods. Postal services, transportation services, different types of insurance services, and banking services are the best examples of the services.

The public services also include that concept of services. These types of services are provided by the government to their citizens. For example, waste management, urban planning projects, and securities of people and nation through the police force, military, etc., health care facilities for the people, all of these common and necessary services which are provided by the government.

Difference between goods and services

As we saw above some basic differences between goods and services. Now let’s understand some other things that make differences between them that are given below;


Goods are tangible products that are made for the requirements and needs of a human. In contrast, services are intangible items or activities which is provided by one party to another party.


Some examples of goods are foods, electronic products, home equipment, furniture, etc. While banking services, postal services, health care, insurance services, etc., are examples of services.


Goods are transferable; the ownership of the supplier or seller can be transferred to the buyer. In contrast, services are not transferable in terms of ownership. For example, if you buy a car, in that case, the ownership of such a car can be transferred from the seller to you. But if you buy a train ticket, it is covered under the term of services, and that can not be transferred of ownership.

Production process

Manufacturing, storage, and transportation are possible for goods, while services can not manufactured, stored, and transportable.

Difference between goods and services in chart

Here, the below chart can helpful for us easy to understand the difference between goods Vs services.

Goods are tangible products that can be felt, seen, and touched.Services can not be felt, seen, or touched. It can be experienced.
The nature of Goods is tangible.
The nature of Services is intangible.

Goods can be manufactured and stored.Services can not be manufactured but can be provided on the customer’s demand.
Ownership Ownership is transferable.
Ownership is not transferable.
Inconsistency Consistency is a continuous process in the case of goods. Customers can get the final product as per their demands. For example, a car.Inconsistency felt in services, Customers have different demands, and they get that fulfilled as they choose. For example, customers need different services in hotels.
Evolution The evolution of goods is easy.
The evolution of services is not easy; that might be complicated.
Return Goods can be returned after supplying.
Services can not be returned after they are provided.
Goods can be separated from suppliers or sellers.
Services can not be separated.
Storage Storage of Goods is possible.
Storage of Services is not possible.
Perishability Goods are not perishable.
Services are perishable.


Goods and services are both parts of economics; similarly, they play an equal role in business growth. As per many similarities, there are some differences between goods and services that we need to know. Goods are included as tangible items, while services are excluded as tangible. Nowadays, providing valuable goods and the best services is key to business success.


“goods” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goods

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