Introduction: In a civil suit, having opposite parties is the most crucial requirement of the lawsuit. However, every party of the suit doesn’t need to be adjudicated. In this way, there is some distinction between the necessary and proper party in a civil suit. One of the basic requirements of any civil litigation is proper […]
Can dishonour of bearer cheque attract to cheque bounce case?
There are many types of cheques available related to banking transactions, and the bearer cheque is also among them. Account holders can use this cheque facility to make their money transactions easy and safe. Here, we will discuss the bearer cheque. (1) What is a bearer cheque? The right side of the cheque specifically mentions […]
Vakalatnama: how to fill, Know the content,terms,validity,format & judgements of vakalatnama
What are the effects of material alteration in cheque?
What is the Meaning of material alteration in a cheque? Material alteration means altering or changing some material parts of the instrument and trying to make it a valid creation with the purpose of the nature of that instrument. Due to the effects of Material Alteration, the said in strument becomes a void. However, a […]
Can legal heirs of defendant file an additional written statement in a suit?
The question arises when the defendant does not accept the plaintiff’s suit. He can oppose the lawsuit allegations against him, and this way, in his defense, he can file his written statement, which is known as a reply from the defendant or an answer to the plaint. In the civil procedure code under Order 8 […]
What is the effect of non-filing written statements in a suit?
(1) meaning of the written statement : The written statement is an essential part of every civil suit. When the plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the defendant or defendants, his plaintiff put his grievance against a defendant. After considering the objection of the plaintiff, the Court can order to issue summons to the opposite parties, […]
Section 127 Crpc: Alteration in allowance explanation with case law.
The power under Section 127 Crpc flows from Section 125 Crpc itself; any person who receives a monthly allowance under Section 125 of Crpc for the maintenance or interim maintenance, such as wife, child, father or mother, the Magistrate can make such alteration in monthly allowance depends on proof of a change in the circumstances […]
What is the effect if Drawer’s Signature differs can it attract to cheque bounce case?
The simple answer to this question is yes if Drawer’s Signature differs can attract to cheque bounce case but before we get the perfect answer, we have to know about which parameter and circumstances have become to know for believing that if drawer signature is a mismatch, then it attracts an amount to the dishonor […]
Importance of a written statement in the civil suit.(Palint,Order 8 of CPC, Set-off, Counter Claim, limitation, etc. with case laws)
What is a written statement? The written statement is part of a civil suit. It plays a very important role in the suit filed by the plaintiff against the defendant. A written statement is a reply file by the defendant of the plaintiff’s suit. It is called a reply to the defendant. The particular definition […]
If Drawer’s Signature differs can it attract criminal proceedings u/s.138 of IN act?
The answer to the above questions is yes. Suppose the drawer’s signature differs or mismatches with the specimen that is available on the bank record, and, for this reason, said cheque is not encashed but dishonored because the drawer’s signature differs. In that case, It shall be a punishable offense and Attract criminal proceedings as […]