Child Labour In India: Everything You Need To Know


Child labour is classified as such types of work which are done by children. Here, in this sense, we are not talking about all kinds of child work which are done by them. If children are involved in different kinds of work, that means they are not considered in a negative way, and it does not wrongly affect their personal growth, education, or the development of their life. Child labor is specified as such type of work which is made by children a result that creates a negative effect on their childhood and dignity, which causes them to have a harmful life.

Definition of child labour

The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines the definition of Child Labour. As per this, ” Child labour means such type of work which is mentally, physically, socially harmful to children. There also mention that child labour prevents their schooling.”

All kinds of work done by children are not considered children’s labour. It is varied in different countries, as well it also depends on some other factors, like, the child’s age, type of work, work hours, etc.

Some of the other activities which are done by the children are not recognized as child labour. For example, helping the family in the house and family business part-time and getting paid for that. Such kind of activities are considered in a positive way; these activities help children to develop and also helps them to develop skill and experience in their life.

Reasons for Child labour

It is true that there are many Laws that govern child labour-related rules and regulations, but the increase in child labour still continues. There are so many reasons that children are forced to work, and for that poverty is one of the big reasons. Some of the other reasons are given below;

Poverty and Unemployment

The unemployment ratio is high in many developing, which results in poverty. In that situation, children are required to take serving responsibility for their families. A criminally minded person takes this advantage and tries to put them in child work.

Lack of proper education system in India

The improper education system in the country is a crucial reason for child labour. An inadequate educational system does not create an active atmosphere for the study. There are many reasons for that, like, a lack of educated teachers and teaching resources, etc. Due to that unstable environment for study, children can not get proper education at the school level. In some cases, it happens that families do not afford the educational fees of their child. That’s the reason the parents choose to put their children to work, which gives them earnings.

In India, many communities people live in the country, and they follow their own communities’ rules and regulations. Some communities do not favor girl education. It also affects child education.

Cultural and Traditional beliefs on promoting child labour

As we mentioned above, there are various region people lives in India. They particularly follow their community’s rules and culture. Many of them encourage child labour via the traditional importance of child work for child development. Such as some cultures give importance to skill development. In this way, they believe that children need to learn the skill through work. And indirectly, that thought harms children’s human rights. They also believe that children must follow in their parent’s steps and in the future, they need to handle the family business.

Violation of existing laws and regulations on child labour

We are often seen that developing countries face many issues. Child labour is one of them. because of a lack of proper education. and the financial crisis needs to survive. Basically, child labour costs are cheap compared to expert or adult labour work. The production unit and manufacturer take advantage of this, and they violate the laws and order which is regulated child labour.

Sometimes, existing laws that govern child work-related issues need to amend with the changing time. The government also needs to redefine some criteria. All of these issues become effects of child’s human rights to education and force them to be involved in child labour work.

Child labour in different sectors

child labour covers many sectors; some are given below;

Agriculture sector

There are so many reasons children are involved in labour work in the agriculture and farming sector. Like, as the poorness of farmers, lack of agriculture technology, poverty, higher cost of adult labour, etc. 

Here, one thing we should note is that all kinds of activities as a participant in agriculture work do not fall under child labour. Some of the work that is done by children, like, low-risk tasks, that type of work which is not affecting their schooling time or education, does not meet this definition. Different types of work can be categorized as fall under agriculture, like Fishing, farming, forestry, etc.

Different types of Domestic work

Domestic work is the kind of work done by children below 18 years in terms of different tasks at their household employer. Domestic work can be defined as instances in which a child under the age of 18 years works within the home of their employer to carry out household chores. Some of the household work may be divided as per cultural rules. For example, household employers prefer that girls work inside the house and boys work outside the home. In some cases, those types of child workers get paid for their tasks, or sometimes they may not get paid for that from their employer.

Child labour in factory work and the manufacturing sectors

Some developing countries like Indonesia, India, Brazil, and Zimbabwe commonly prefer child labour in different factories such as tobacco, Garment industries, etc. Some countries also prevalent child labour in the mining and construction industries like stone, gold, salt mining, etc.

Effects of child labour

Child labour creates acute effects on children mentally and physically, and it also exists into adulthood. Such effects may vary according to the involvement of children as child labour in particular sectors. Some of the critical effects that may harm children’s life are given below;

  • If we talk about children’s work at the domestic level, they are often abused by their employers,  they are forced to work long periods, and they are cut off from family and friends relationships.
  • In the construction sector, the lack of safety equipment, and there is always a risk of children met injured due to working with heavy and risky loads.
  • The mining sector is very dangerous for child workers; there, they have to face difficult environments to work with toxic chemicals and explosives that may be caused serious injuries or death.
  • The manufacturing sector is also dangerous for child workers, the same as the mining sector. There, child labour has to face some issues like working with harmful chemicals and toxin raw materials, etc., that may harm their lives due to lack of safety rules and regulations. 
  • In the agriculture sector, child workers face work with harmful toxic chemicals that may be resulted in health issues.


Child labour refers to such types of work done by minors or children which is harmful to them. Child labour is not recognized because it is harmful to children’s growth in their life. That creates harmful troubles in many ways, such as physical, mental, moral, and hinder. However, the bitter truth is that countless people are involved in child labour activities worldwide. They are ruining child lives by putting them in child labour work.

We can not assume that child labour is related to limited sectors. It feast seems in various sectors, like agriculture, manufacturing industries, and different types of services.


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