Know The Doctrine of Lis Pendens U/s 52 Of TheTransfer Of Property Act,1882

Know The Doctrine of Lis Pendens Section 52 Transfer Of Property Act,1882

Introduction The doctrine of Lis Pendens explains that the judgment given by the court binds a person who purchases the property during the pendency of any litigation. The court order may come out against such a person who…

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know the Concept of Audi Alteram Partem

know the concept of audi alteram partem

Introduction  Natural justice is a fundamental right of every person, which is not possible without an equal legal framework. The Audi alteram partem concept is a base of natural and equal justice. It is only possible when both…

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Know what are your Employee Rights in India

know what are your employee rights in India

Introduction  Every employee is a human who gives the best effort to the employer; they must know their employee rights in India. The employee is an integral part of the foundation of business. In that way of employment,…

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